Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Kid's Menu


The past two weeks, every single thing at the Farmer's Market in Union Square has been bee-you-tee-full. I want to buy and take home and consume everything in sight. I hauled all of this home today (except for the garlic, which was already at home) so I could make an induction dinner for Ms. R, who should be having a baby soon. Soon! I mean, when you're ready, kid, but - for real - soon!

I read that some people think pineapple and eggplant (not necessarily in combination) can jumpstart labor. Ditto spicy foods. And red raspberry leaf is one of the teas that women in their third trimesters are encouraged to drink (it ripens the cervix), though it does not induce labor. No matter how much of this is true, it adds up to one good excuse for a dinner party. And she has to give birth to that li'l baby sooner or later.

So we had:
  • Bacon-wrapped jalapeƱo thingies* (spicy)
  • Eggplant curry on brown rice with fresh yogurt (spicy + eggplant)
  • Butter-braised radishes (just because the radishes looked amazing at the market)
  • Pineapple slices (see paragraph above)
  • Red raspberry leaf iced tea (see paragraph above)
  • Blueberry, sour cherry, and strawberry crumble (um...because I had fruit I needed to use)

If this menu brings on a baby, I'm going into business cooking dinner for overdue pregnant ladies.

* You must make these

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