Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Adventures in CSA 2013: Week 3 Recipes

Week 3

Look at those sturdy, purposeful mesh and muslin bags up there! Thrilling!

As of this evening (3 days into week four), we've finally made it through week three's CSA share. Minus a few wilted scallions, I think we managed to put everything to use, and I'm back to share details on what we made with this week's produce. To refresh your memory, here's what we received last week:

Week 3 Produce
Swiss chard
Napa cabbage
Garlic scapes
Japanese turnips

And here are the dishes we made:

Week 3

A sort of chicken Caesar salad  - Dan used CSA lettuce, arugula, scallions, and garlic scapes in this salad, along with tomato and cheese. He cooked the chicken breast on our stovetop grill pan. The scapes were actually used to make a creamy, garlicky dressing.

Week 3

Week 3

Breaded Broccoli - I got the idea for this from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything phone/iPad app, but it couldn't be much simpler. Barely boil your broccoli florets and chopped stems, shock in ice water, then pat dry. Next, roll in thin coatings of flour, egg, and breadcrumbs (in that order). Finally, pan fry in a lot of butter. Salt and pepper well, then eat like popcorn. Pretty darn good! I'd spice the breadcrumbs if I made this again (which I may).

Week 3

Sauteed Japanese turnips - How predictable -- I turned to this recipe for a third time. I'm really into it. This time, however, I left out the herbes de Provence, used garlic scapes instead of garlic, and reduced the amount of soy sauce (increasing the water). Also, because the turnip greens had gone limp and yellow by the time I got to this vegetable, I used beet greens from week 4's share instead. It was the best iteration yet!

Week 4

Cabbage and radicchio slaw - there's a red pepper in there, too, as well as cilantro and "probably" mayonnaise. Dan made this dish, and seems hazy on the details, so I can't report more that.

Week 3

Sauteed swiss chard - Dan sauteed this with onions and we ate it as a mildly flavored side dish with sausages one night.

That's Week Three in a nutshell. Sorry it's a little short on recipe specifics.

I don't have greens fatigue yet, but I imagine that's coming in a few weeks. How about you? Got any great ideas for future cabbages or chard?


Mechanic said...

We have been swimming in lettuce! Which is fine because it is delicious, but also not as fun as finding ways to use other greens. Hopefully we will get more as the season progresses.

Am going to try that turnip recipe!

Jennette said...

My new idea is to try lettuce in recipes that call for more bitter greens. I think it could be good.

Let me know how you like the turnips!

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