Saturday, June 7, 2008

Emergency Preparedness

Are you prepared for snack emergencies? Don't get caught without the succor of the sucker, as it were. A mid-day snack might just boost your energy (watch the sugar if you don't want to crash) and your mood (unless you choose something that tastes nasty, I guess).

If you work from home or stay at home, you are probably set for snack storage space. If you live out of a car or bag or backpack or purse during the day, or have saddlebags on your horse, you should definitely make room for multiple emergency rations in there. I like to mix it up and stock multiple options -- one chocolate item, one piece of fruit, and something salty, etc.

If you only have pockets, bless your heart. Stick a granola bar (no melty chocolate elements) or packet of sunflower seeds in one of them. A slab of fruit leather sticking out of your back jeans' pocket is the new comb. No pockets, even? Tape a small bag of dried banana slices to the inside of your leg under your pants or skirt. Wear one of those candy necklaces (matching bracelet, anyone?). Do what it takes.

If you are lucky enough to have a closet, cubby, desk or locker at work, like me, you have a little space and, if you stock it well, you can luxuriate in the knowledge that you have extra emergency snack fixings on hand. The line between snacking and mealtime eating is very thin, by the way, so don't hesitate to make your supplies do double-duty.

Office emergency preparedness

I suggest:
1. hot sauce
2. salt
3. pepper (tiny grinders are nice)
4. other spices as space and budget allow. A small packet of rosemary or a shaker of cajun seasoning doesn't take up much room.
5. a no-prep-needed emergency snack item -- I choose dark chocolate. The lovely Heather introduced me to both the concept of emergency chocolate and the line of dark chocolate bars with endangered species on the wrappers. I get mine at Whole Foods in Union Square near the registers. I also like to stock a can of smoked almonds.
6. chopsticks -- make any snack more fun!
7. toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, etc., if being dentally responsible is part of your snacking ritual.

If you have an office refrigerator, why not add:
8. mustard (now you can have a veggie corn dog as a snack!)
9. sriracha (to spice up a dull side of mashed potatoes)
10. mayonnaise (try tomato slices and mayo on a cheese and dill scone from the farmers' market for elevenses one day)

What's that? You hate mayonnaise? That's cool. Tailor your list to your own tastes, silly. And feel free to share your emergency snack kit contents in the comments.


Anonymous said...

I also like the underrated but essential 21st century rainy day fund : some day you'll be glad to have that unreturned glass milk bottle. $1.50, here I come!

Jennette said...

True. And water can be stored in it or guzzled from it in a pinch.

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