Saturday, February 7, 2009

Further Adventures in Nutella Milk

Not quite right

I really feel that the creation of successful "Nutella Milk" is within my grasp, and I am certain I will master it in the near future. In the meantime, I gave the folks at Fortunato Brothers a shot at it. Why not let the pros try?

Dan ordered me a steamed milk with hazelnut syrup, which confused the employees behind the beverage counter. They asked if it was like horchata. The answer to that is no. It's not like a Mexican rice drink with cinnamon (though I like horchata). It's like a steamed milk with a little hazelnut syrup - just like it sounds. This seemed a hard concept for these professional beverage-makers to grasp.

What I ultimately got was neither horchata, nor a steamed hazelnut milk. It was steamed milk with hazelnut flavor and a whole lot of sugar. Way too much sugar, one might say (I would certainly say that). I drank it all, but it was a sacrifice.

I can see that I'm going to have to do this myself.

p.s. Sorry for the lack of posts this past week. We had some house guests and I was talked into joining Facebook -- a lethal combination for those of us who are already good at procrastination. I'm back on track now.
Thanks for hanging in there/here.


Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought of nutella milk but I have been trying periodically to craft nutella into a chocolate-syrup consistency for pouring over ice cream. I think nutella plus a splash of milk gently heated and stirred might do it, but I haven't hit it just right yet. Even in its natural state, you really should try it globbed on vanilla ice cream, especially with banana slices and homemade granola (Alton Brown's recipe is good). Hmmm (off to raid pantry)...

Jennette said...

What a coincidence! Last night we went to a friends' house and had ice cream splits. Mine was a combo of banana, vanilla ice cream, nutella, walnuts, white chocolate chips, and whipped cream.

Anonymous said...

for the record, fortunato bros can bite me. for every one thing they get right, they get five wrong. consistency! it's all i ask.

Jennette said...

They already had a major strike against them in my book for putting some kind of syrupy glaze on the croissants.

jenni avins said...

Have you tried Momofuku Milk Bar? Nutella Milk is not on the menu, but Cereal Milk is, as is Wild Strawberry (remember Strawberry Quik?). It could be a good reference point for technique, and the place smells like you are IN a rice krispie treat.

Jennette said...

Jenni - No, I haven't. There are so many Momofukus I cannot keep them straight. That one sounds worth a trip.

p.s. I've never had Strawberry Quik! But I am familiar.

Unknown said...


I just got done reading this and the comments... and I was all stoked that you were gonna do this n shit...

but then I looked at the date...



Jennette said...

I did it!

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