Thursday, January 1, 2009

Cheese pleases me


I made Frico (chewy cheese crisps) for the cookie party two years ago, but I ran out of time to make it this year. It's very easy (shredded Parmesan or Asiago plus a little black pepper and spices - I used cumin), but making it in batches on a cookie sheet is time consuming. So I took the goods to our New Year's Eve celebration at Shaker Meadows Bed and Breakfast in upstate New York. It was excellent on the Caesar salad others prepared for the evening - and as a pre-dinner snack! They didn't crisp up as much as they sometimes do, but the cheesiness can't be beat.


8 oz. Parmesan-Reggiano, Montasio, or Asiago cheese grated into large strips (use the large holes of a box grater or food processor)

optional additions:
1/4 tsp. black pepper
2 T. finely chopped fresh rosemary
1 tsp. cumin, caraway, or fennel seeds.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Place oven rack in middle of oven. Line large baking sheet with silicone mat.
Spoon tablespoon-sized mounds of cheese mixture four inches apart on baking sheet. Gently flatten into even 3 1/2-inch long ovals.

Optional: sprinkle the top with finely chopped nuts.

Bake 4-6 minutes until cheese is melted, golden, and lacy-looking. Cool on baking sheet. Drain on paper towels. Store up to 1 week between layers of waxed paper in an airtight container.

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