Your face is so nice but your nice isn't nicest
What's magic, who's longing, where's heart-smash and heavy breaths?

You're sitting there crisply, you don't move, won't move me
You're quiet, I do think; I don't think you're thinking

Your words slip out pretty but not quite full-flavor
Your hands might be empty, my hands glance away

I crunch your small whispers; they crumble like old age
What's filling you, darling, and where did it go?
Happy Macaron Day, everyone. Do you love them? Because I like them, but if you love them...what exactly do you see in them?
I don't like them at all, actually, but I love looking at them. They're just so freaking cute!
I love them because they're pretty and parisian. But I can't master the art. :(
I just stumbled upon this blog today and have spent several hours reading your delicious and very very amusing posts!
I especially loved the cautious 'hello' on the potato salad box thingy and the clearing-out things from the refrigerator in the night!
I want to say that this is a really lovely, clever and thoroughly enjoyable blog! I hope more and more people discover your blog and enjoy it as much as i did! I'll be checking regularly and recommend it to others interested in snacks and stuff!
Great job, dude!
Rama :-)
Rama, thank you so much for the time spent on my site. I love some of that old content, too, and hope to get back to that sort of thing. :) Please keep coming back!
Stephicakes, I really should try making some myself. Then I'd probably appreciate the store bought ones even more.
Grace, I do like all the different colors. They're cute as buttons.
Thanks for all the comments!
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