Sunday, May 23, 2010

Agape Meal

Quilt painting at church
[I wrote down the name of the artist who painted this striking installation, which she did for a video/dance collaboration, but I've lost the piece of paper!  Anyone recognize the artwork?]

On Agape Sundays at church (the first Sunday of each month), we share communion as part of a service-long meal of fruit, bread, crackers, doughnuts, cheese, etc.  Juice and wine are served.   I always try to pick a seat close to the cheese.

On this particular Agape Sunday, I forgot to bring anything to share (because I forgot it was Agape Sunday).  I'm embarrassed to admit I had only enough snacks for myself in my bag.  I tried to drink my pineapple juice and eat my Chex Mix "Turtle" Bar quickly, so as to not call attention to my thoughtlessness.

Quirks of the day

As it turns out, the Chex Mix bar makes a much better dessert than a breakfast. It's way too sweet and sticky for me to think of it as nearing "healthy."


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