Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So far, I remain unsponsored and sorry about that.

Chicken and waffles

If any local restaurant owner or chef wants to pay me (in food or gift certificates) to write about how awesome his or her fare is, I'm open to the idea. Especially if that restaurant is Buttermilk Channel. Because, that's where Matt got the dinner we ate for his birthday a few weeks ago, and it was resplendent -- moist chicken with a slightly salty breading, cheddar-filled waffle wedges, a thin and sweet syrup (tasting slightly of balsamic vinegar?) bread & butter pickles, coleslaw, and candied/bacon-flavored almonds. I now wish to try everything on the menu, once I can stop hyperventilating with delight.

Birthday buffet

While we're on the subject of Matt's birthday party, take a gander at the snack and appetizer buffet he assembled. This is some serious snack curation. Well done, birthday boy. Well done.

p.s. Does anyone else have 7 or more friends named Matt?


your sister said...

Cheddar-filled waffle wedges? Oh. My. God. That sounds brilliant. I think I just blacked out with joy.

Jennette said...

I don't like to leave the neighborhood, but if you come visit I will go there with you.

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