Saturday, May 29, 2010

That's a "Yes!" to yard sale snacks.

Yard sale

This yard sale in Pennsylvania had a table off to one side at which 3 Amish women (a mother and her daughters?) were selling baked goods.

Yard Sale Cookie

I bought a large peanut butter cookie.  It had a nice flavor but was slightly dry.  I had to eat it in one sitting, as the chocolate on top was melting in the heat of the day.  Not bad as fuel to get me to the next bargain-hunting spot.



even eve said...

nice idea. they probably learned from their kids, schools are always having bake sales.

Jennette said...

Two of the "women" were actually young women/girls. It's also possible they're from an Amish family who sells at tables/booths in the markets around Lancaster County.

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