We spent a recent weekend in Austin, Texas, for a family reunion. I'd never been to Austin before, and I was really looking forward to the food there. I wasn't disappointed by much about the trip, but -- golly -- I wish I'd gotten a chance to eat a catfish burger at Fran's Hamburgers. My coworker Paul recommends it very highly, and that's good enough for me. But when our group passed by, it was 9am (we were on our way to the Mexican bakery around the corner) and all our meals that weekend were already planned and mapped out. I just couldn't figure out a way to squeeze it in.
Other recommendations I'm saving for our next trip? The "Flip Happy" crepe trailer off of Lamar Blvd., Woodland on South Congress, Torchy's Tacos on South 1st, and The Ginger Man for drinks.
Next time, Fran's.
Fran's Hamburgers
1822 S Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78704
I had an amazing vegan meal (totally not Austin and definitely more Northern California style) at Casa de Luz.
This sentence makes me very happy, "all our meals that weekend were already planned and mapped out."
If only I'd gotten to do the mapping, Steph!
Thanks for the recommendation, Rachel!
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