As Week 4 begins, I have the following vegetables (leftover from previous weeks) hanging out in our kitchen:
4-5 radishes (Man! I could have sworn we had finally finished the radishes!)
a baggie of snap peas
1 bunch mustard greens
1 pattypan squash
1 bunch kale
At our CSA pickup site this morning, I was awarded:
CSA Bounty - Week Four (veggies and fruit)
2.5 lbs summer squash
2 pickling cucumbers -- CHALLENGE VEGETABLE
1 "regular" cucumber (but I'd swear this is just a big pickling cucumber. It looks the same as the smaller ones)
1 bunch parsley
1 bunch arugula
.75 lb mesclun mix lettuce
1 bunch carrots
1 bunch kale
3 pints blueberries
So, we're off to the races with this lot. I am wary of pickling/canning/preserving food, by the way. I haven't had good luck with it in the past.
Oh, also -- what's your favorite recipe that uses mustard greens?
I just found two heads of bok choy hiding in my veggie bin I'd forgotten about, so right now I have a highly experimental bok choy soup simmering on my stove for lunch. (No recipe--playing with ingredients!) I like your slaw idea--might do that one for dinner!
I wish I had some forgotten but still good bok choy in the crisper right now!
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