It's a new season, and I'm back on the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) scene. If graded pass/fail on my past two years of CSA coverage, I'd definitely get two big, fat "FAILs," but I am pretty sure that's not how things work with produce. Produce forgives. The farmers forgive. I did really well in 2009, then had two busy seasons (pregnancy, then a newborn) that made my blogging (and vegetable eating) falter. Now I'm jumping back in.
This year, I joined a well-established but new-to-me CSA (my second choice; there's another closer to my apartment that sold out -- one can't have everything one wants) and bought a vegetables-every-week + fruit-every-other-week share.
I suspect the coming weeks will offer me fewer "challenge vegetables," which is what I call a CSA item I've never before prepared myself (even if I've eaten it), since I have cooked with so many different things over the past few years, but I'm still hoping to see some new items. One other bonus with this new CSA group is that pickup is located near a farmer's market, which means I can supplement my share with other items immediately upon picking it up.
In the hopes of fully covering this season, I plan to write at least two CSA posts each week. One will show you my week's share and the other will provide details on what we made with those ingredients. Please always feel free to compare and contrast your own CSA weekly shares and let me know if you have recipes you think I should try. I'll probably create a special board over on Pinterest for those. I'm sure I'll also go back to some of the "greatest hits" recipes I've loved over the past few years.
I hope you'll keep reading!
CSA Bounty - Week One (veggies only)
1 bunch broccoli rabe -- CHALLENGE VEGETABLE!
1 bunch kale
1 bunch arugula
2 pints snap peas
1 head lettuce
8 garlic scapes -- lovelovelove them!
1 bunch radishes
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