We started Week Two of our 2012 CSA season with the following unused produce leftover from Week One:
1 bunch radishes
1 bunch arugula
1 pint snap peas
And added to that our:
CSA Bounty - Week Two (veggies and fruit)
1 bunch radishes
2 big squash (1 zucchini, one yellow)
1 overflowing pint of snow peas - CHALLENGE VEGETABLE
3 garlic scapes
1 bunch mustard greens
1 head lettuce
1 bunch kale
1/2 lb loose lettuce
1 giant bunch bok choi
1 quart strawberries
1 pint blueberries
From this, we made:
Snow pea and bok choi stir fry (CSA snow peas, garlic scapes, bok choi). I insisted on adding soy sauce and peanuts to the finished dish. We ate it over rice. I'm still sweet on stir fry.
Summer squash and ricotta galette (CSA green and yellow squash). I found the recipe for this in the July 2012 issue of Cooking Light. The crust is made with olive oil, which gives it a distinctive flavor, and it's made on a baking sheet (rather than in a pie plate). I like that it's meant to look "rustic" -- i.e. messy. The ricotta base is flavored with lemon and thyme, which I was surprised to find I really enjoyed.
I tried to follow the recipe exactly (except that I cut my zucchini slices less attractively and used dried thyme), but found I had to veer off on my own at two points. For one thing, the two squash I cut up gave me far more slices than I could fit inside the amount of dough I made. I could have created two or three of these out of the two squash we received for our CSA share. So we saved the leftover squash and garlic mixture to use another night. Secondly, the recipe calls for the dough to be rolled out into a 14" circle. I could not, for the life of me, stretch that sucker past 12". Those are pretty small quibbles, though. It's a delicious dish.
p.s. The leftovers are excellent warm or cold.
Summer squash with mustard greens over pasta (CSA green and yellow squash, mustard greens). This is how we used the squash leftover from my galette preparation -- sauteed with mustard greens and served (with pine nuts and cheese) over pasta. Simple. Good. NOT an attractive picture, though. It got kind of late (i.e. bad lighting is my excuse).
BLAT sandwiches (CSA lettuce). So much non-CSA produce went into this, as well as bacon, that it almost felt like cheating. How I wish I lived in Florida and could join an avocado CSA. They have those, right?
Gigantor Salad (CSA radishes, snap peas, arugula, lettuce). Dan added pepitas and parmesan cheese to this, too. Looks like there may be some dried cranberries in there, too, along with lemon and more avocado. I tell you, after a while, the salads sort of run together.
Oh! It's Ina Garten's fruit salad with limoncello recipe again (CSA strawberries and blueberries)! I mentioned this in a previous post. The strawberries (a bit mushier than in week 1) and blueberries were tossed with currants, marinated in limoncello and sugar, then topped with bananas and lingonberry-jam-laced Greek yogurt. Divine!
Unused at the start of Week Three -- carrying over to join the next week's share:
Most of a pint of snap peas.
Trashed at the start of Week Three -- goodbye, cruel world:
1 bunch of radishes - argh! It got too hot to roast them, which is what I had my heart set on. So they went bad in the fridge and I threw them out. I'm sorry, Universe.
As I post this, I'm already midway through Week Three, so I'll be back ASAP to post that share and then again in a few days with news on what we've eaten this week. What was in your CSA share this week?
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